PGI stops treatment to patients of Punjab for pending dues, Congress attacks AAP govt

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Chandigarh: The PGI has stopped treatment under Ayushman Bharat Yojana, a health insurance scheme, for patients hailing from the state as the Aam Aadmi Party government in the Punjab has failed to clear dues of seven months amounting to Rs 16 crore

Attacking the government, Punjab Congress president Amarinder Singh Raja Warring today said that the Aam Aadmi Party government in Punjab should hang its head in shame over refusal to admit patients from Punjab by the PGI Chandigarh as the state had failed to clear Rs 16 crores overdue for last seven months.

“Any government would feel sorry over such situations that you lose trust of institutes like PGI for chronic default that it has refused to admit patients”, he said, while remarking, “it is shameful on part of the AAP government in Punjab that it could afford to splurge Rs 37 crores on advertisements in first three months, but could not pay Rs 16 crores to the PGI for treatment of patients”.

“This is the symptom of complete collapse of the system”, he said, while pointing out how the health department was going from bad to worse. Not only has the AAP government defaulted on payments, it is loosing confidence of the staff and also not able to supply medicines to hospitals.