Three American scientists awarded Nobel Prize in Economics

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Stockholm: This year’s Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded to three American scientists. Among these economists is Ben S., the former head of the US Federal Reserve. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybwig is included.

They have been given this honor for their research work on banks and financial crises. The award winners were announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm today.

The Nobel Committee said that the work of these economists is reflected in their research, which explains the ‘importance of saving banks from collapsing’.

The awardees will receive 10 million Swedish Kronor prizes. Unlike the other Nobel Prizes in economics, this honor in the field of economics was not in the will of Alfred Nobel which was made in 1895. It was later started by the Central Bank of Sweden in his memory.

The first winner was announced in 1969. Earlier, the 2022 Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Physics, Literature and Peace had been awarded.