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Are you also fond of wearing high heels? Know the disadvantages of this

New Delhi: Many women like to wear high heels for a glamorous and stylish look. In earlier times models and actresses used to wear high heels, but in today’s time most of the women have started wearing high heels. Where high heels enhance your personality. At the same time, it can also cause many problems with the feet. Many times, people’s problems increase so much by wearing high heels that they even have to undergo foot surgery. If you are also fond of wearing high heels, then definitely know about the disadvantages of wearing them. Let us know the damage caused to the body by wearing high heels-


Disadvantages of wearing high heels

Wearing high heels can cause pain in the feet as well as the problem of knee pain. Apart from this, many other types of problems can occur due to this, such as-


Leg pain can be a problem

Due to wearing high heels, there is a strain on the muscles and there can be pain in the feet as well as pain in the ankles, waist and hips.

There may be pain in the knees

Wearing high heels puts pressure on the bones of your spine, which can also affect the knees. In such a situation, if you have to wear high heels continuously for several days or even hours, then due to this there may be a problem of knee pain.


Risk of fracture

Wearing high heels also puts you at risk of fractures. Because of this, the bones of the legs, waist and hips can break. Apart from this, the posture can also be bad. So if your bones are weak then wear high heels carefully.