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Benefits of Yoga, keep this thing in mind to get maximum health advantages


New Delhi: People generally do meditation to reduce stress, reduce anxiety, improve memory, maintain blood level, recover from many types of addictions and for good sleep. It would not be wrong to say that meditation is a way that helps in improving your mental health as well as physical health. Not only this, there are many such major diseases which can be overcome through meditation. Let’s find out.


Cures these diseases

Through meditation, you can only get the knowledge hidden inside you. Also, there are many serious diseases that you can control. With the help of meditation, you can overcome diseases like anxiety, asthma, cancer, pain, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleeping problems and headaches.


Calms the mind

With the help of meditation, you can control your running mind. Also you can stabilize yourself. When we are under stress, the body releases many inflammatory chemicals, called cytokines, which leads us to depression. Due to stress, the body remains in combat mode, this is the reason why our heart beat gets faster. In such a situation, the best way to overcome this is to do meditation.


Pay attention to this

In the beginning, you can do breathing exercises. Pay attention to how you are feeling as you breathe in and out. Pay close attention to your breath, focus on its voice. Also, keep your eyes closed during this time. Concentrate on every part of your body.