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Can’t go to gym! Here are tips for you to stay fit

Chandigarh: If you are concerned about your belly fat and don’t want to go to gym to loose weight and stay fit, we are here to rescue you.

You can lose weight even without going to the gym. For this you neither need to buy expensive projects nor do difficult practices or yoga. Instead, you can control your weight in a few days by making a slight change in your routine. Let me tell you that many studies have found that obesity is cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, etc. So, follow these tips and stay fit.


1. Drink water in the morning:

Drink two glasses of water in the morning. Drink a glass of hot water if possible. This will burn your calories and fat faster. In addition your body will also stay hydrated. Very soon the excess body fat will decrease and will come into shape.


2. High protein breakfast:

Have high protein items for breakfast. Like eggs and milk. Several researches have found that eating high protein food does not make a person hungry for long. At the same time remember that breakfast should not be adequate in quantity but should be rich.



3. Sunlight is vital:

Scientists believe that vitamin D levels in the body also affect weight. It has been observed that vitamin D is helpful in reducing weight gain.


4. Check weight:

To lose weight, you should also make it a habit to check your weight over and over again, which keeps you motivated to lose weight.


5. Meditation:

Make it a habit to meditate daily in the morning instead of doing very difficult exercises and yoga to lose weight. This will gradually but will make a difference in your weight. Not only on your weight, but it will also have a positive impact on your skin and mental health.