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Continue war, risks to international peace and security increase: UK at UN Security Council

London: The United Kingdom has called UN Security Council meeting after Russian forces last night attacked the largest nuclear power station in Europe.

“We are grateful to the Ukrainian firefighters and authorities who got the fire under control and are working bravely to ensure the plant remains safe. We support the work of the IAEA in Ukraine,” Ambassador Barbara Woodward said at the United Nations Security Council Meeting on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station.

She said that this is the first time that a State has attacked a fuelled and functioning nuclear power plant.

” International law requires special protection for nuclear facilities, and it is difficult to see how Russia’s actions were compatible with its commitments under Article 56 of the first Additional Protocol of the Geneva Conventions,” the statement added.

Russian President Putin said yesterday that the “Special Military Operation” – or as everyone else calls it, the war – was going to plan.

” President Putin misjudged the strength, resilience and will of the Ukrainian people against his invasion,” she said asking world leaders to take immediate steps continue destruction in Ukraine, also poses threat to international peace and security, increase.

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