Don’t ignore problem of pain in joints, there may be early symptoms of arthritis

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New Delhi: The problem of pain in the joints is called arthritis. However, not all types of pain in the joints are arthritis. It can also occurred due to an injury or other reasons due to lack of nutrition in the body. In such a situation, you should not just depend on home remedies but should start the treatment in time. Here’s about the early symptoms of arthritis and its type.

Two types of arthritis

1. Arthritis is mainly of two types, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In osteoarthritis, the tissues of the joints become quite stiff and the tissues covering the end of the bones begin to become inactive. This causes pain in the joints while getting up and sitting or during movement.

2. While rheumatoid arthritis is such a disease of bones, in which the immune system of the body itself starts attacking the joints. The onset of this disease starts from the layer of both bones of the joints or at the end of the say.

This is important to be noted.

We told you about two types of arthritis here. However, there is also a third type of arthritis, which is caused by the increase in uric acid. If uric acid is increasing in the body for a long time, then many deadly diseases or infections can occur. These include psoriasis and lupus. These can cause a different kind of arthritis in the bones. Therefore, it is important to keep your uric acid under control. The most common symptom of uric acid in the body is that when you put your feet on the ground after sitting for a long time or after getting up in the morning after sleeping, there is a sharp pain in the ankles of your feet.


Symptoms of arthritis

Pain in the joints

Having problems in one of the joints or several joints while getting up, sitting and walking.

Swelling in the joints

Redness in the joint area

Slowing down the speed of walking or working

These reasons increase the risk of arthritis

People who have had arthritis problems in older generations

Not taking the right diet and not adopting the right lifestyle with increasing age

Any chronic injury can also cause arthritis.

Women are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis although most patients with this disease are men.

The cause of obesity can also be the problem of arthritis.