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Five things to remember for staying healthy and beat dehydration in Summers

New Delhi: Staying healthy in the summer is not as difficult as it seems. This time, the weather is also changing a lot in the summer season. Sometimes there are clouds for two to three days, sometimes there is continuous intense sunlight. And sometimes it starts raining without weather. So pay a little attention, make some things a part of daily life and stay healthy.


Physically active

Sun exposure

Full sleep

The right diet

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

To know whether your body is fully hydrated or not, you need to know what are the symptoms of dehydration.

Frequent dry mouth

Constant feeling of urine pressure

The color of urine is dark yellow.

Passing urine by drop-drop

Pain in the head without talking

Feeling restless


Feeling of tension in the muscles

Easy way to stay fit

To stay physically fit, you should either walk for 40 minutes every day or exercise for 25 minutes.

The walk should always start slow and then gradually increase the speed. Similarly, when you have to finish the walk, gradually reduce the speed and then stop. Do not stop walking suddenly.

Sun exposure

Fearing blackness, most people avoid going out during the sun. However, this attitude is not right at all. Because the body also needs sunlight.

If you protect the body from sunexposure for a long time, then mental health problems can occur. Sleep can be disturbed together.

It is not necessary that you apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. It is also important to get out without sunscreen so that the body can get vitamin D.

Tanning is not as bad a thing as the marketing of beauty products has made it. So change your thinking and stay healthy.

How to keep the brain healthy

You must get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. So much time is needed to relax the mind and heal the body. By sleeping for so long, the body remains healthy and the effect of heat does not disturb mentally.

Healthy diet

Some things must be included in your daily diet in the summer meal and they should also be taken care of the time of eating. For example, always eat yogurt at lunch time.

Take dry fruits for breakfast or at snack time.

Always eat fruits in the time between breakfast and lunch.

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