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Health Tips: Simple steps to control diabetes

New Delhi: To control the diabetes and to keep yourself healthy-active, then keep an eye on the calorie count in daily diet. The food people consume affect their health and blood sugar.

Therefore, people are advised stay cautions while eating food and taking access amount of sugar.

Sugar Control Tips:

-Eat foods that contain healthy carbohydrates, high in fiber. If you consume non-veg, you can consume fish. Because it contains good fat and omega-3 fatty acids which promotes a healthy life with many kinds of chemical reactions inside the body.

-Do not eat any food, during the digestion of which the level of sugar in the body starts increasing. Because during digestion, sugar in which both ordinary carbohydrates and starches i.e. complex carbohydrates increase in the body in the form of blood glucose. Which works to increase the level of sugar.

Foods are the best for you.


Fresh fruits: These do not include fruits that have high sugar levels. E.g., banana, chikoo, cooked mangoes and mulberry etc. You can eat kiwi, seasonal, pineapple, cherries and berries.

Vegetables: You eat green vegetables and legumes etc.

Whole grains: You consume whole grains. Such as eat sprouts, eat bajra, black gram, roasted chickpeas, etc.

Drink milk: You can drink milk. But do not add extra sugar to it because there is natural sugar in milk.

Dry fruits: You must eat a few dry fruits every day in limited quantities. Mainly almonds and walnuts. Eat almonds in the morning after soaking them in water at night.

Avoid these foods.

Do not consume smoothies, fruit shakes, cold drinks, canned food, packet-based fries and chips, etc as they have very high levels of sugar and salt and it has a bad effect on your health.