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MLAs directed to meet farmers, officials to expedite Girdawari after unseasonal rains damaged crop

Chandigarh: Swinging into action to ensure compensation for crop loss to the farmer before the festival of Baisakhi, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has asked the MLAs and officers to enhance their field visits for expediting the process of girdawari and redress problems of farmers.

“The MLAs should meet the farmers and listen to their grievances, likewise the officers should make sure that the special Girdawari is completed soon so that we can disburse the compensation before Baisakhi” said the Chief Minister.

Expressing solidarity with the farmers who have lost their crop due to incessant rain and hailstorm, the Chief Minister said that the government is with the food growers in this hour of crisis. He said that loss worth every single penny will be compensated and no stone will be left unturned for this noble cause. Bhagwant Mann said that he was well aware about the agony faced by the farming community due to the whopping loss suffered by them on account of inclement weather conditions.

He said that he is personally monitoring the entire drive on a day to day basis to ensure that the affected farmers are compensated in a most transparent and expeditious manner. Bhagwant Mann said that as he hails from a common family so he is aware of the anguish of the farmers at the deeply personal level and duly compensating them remains the top priority of the state government. He categorically said that there will be a zero tolerance for any laxity or lapse found at any level in the government machinery during the Girdawari.

Mann said that the state government is fully with the beleaguered peasantry in this hour of deep crisis. He said before Girdawari public announcements are being made about the entire process to ensure that all the people are made aware of it. Likewise, Bhagwant Mann said that a 25% hike in compensation per acre has been made to give healing touch to the farmers.

He further said that in a major pro-farmer initiative, the state government has decided to freeze repayment of loans taken by the farmers from Primary Agricultural cooperative Societies. Bhagwant Mann expressed hope that this will give much needed relief to the farmers in this hour of crisis adding that the farmers can pay back this amount later after they recover from the losses. He said that the government will fully compensate the hapless farmers of the state for the losses suffered by them.

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