Now fever is not the most common symptom of Covid, know – the big things of the latest study-

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New Delhi: The symptoms of COVID-19 are seeing a change. According to the latest study, fever is no longer the most common symptom of Covid but a sore throat. According to the study of about 17,500 people, a sore throat has now become the first symptom of COVID-19.

According to the Joy Covid study, the symptoms of headache and blocked nose are the most commonly seen.

At the beginning of the corona epidemic, symptoms such as fever or loss of smell were considered to be one of the most common symptoms of the virus. These symptoms are now the least reported. According to the new data, sore throat has now become the main symptom to identify corona in a person. In this study, cough, hoarse voice, sneezing, fatigue and muscle pain have also been reported as common symptoms.

Professor Tim Spector, co-founder and lead scientist of the Joy Health Study, said the virus is still widespread in the population. “If you have any cold-like symptoms at this time, it is likely to be Covid in the form of cold. He said that many Covid co-variants still exist, such as omicran, variants BA.2, BA.4 and BA.5 etc. People who have been infected earlier can be taken back to their own.”

WHO special envoy, Dr. David Nabarro, said that COVID-19 is constantly evolving and becoming very clever. He said that this virus is able to constantly develop and change.

Here are the top 5 symptoms of COVID-19

“This can break our immune defences, and that’s why the number of cases is increasing.,” he added.

According to the study, these five symptoms have been at the top of the test conducted on 17,500 people in the past week – a sore throat, a headache, a closed nose, a cough, a runny nose. After these symptoms are found other symptoms.