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Punjab govt to welcome farmers on their victorious return from Delhi borders: CM Channi

Mansa:The Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, on Friday, said that the state government will welcome the sons of the soils after their victorious return from Delhi borders. While congratulating the farmers, khetmazdoors and SKM leaders as well, the Chief Minister said that it was the victory of the people and unmatched unity of the various sections of the society have forced the Modi government to roll back the draconian black bills.

Channi said that despite not paying heed to the demands of the farmers for almost an year, the BJP leaders now wanted to en-cash the victory of the farmers and are trying to use it as electoral card in Punjab.

Reminding the BJP leaders to stay cautious while politicising this pious issue, CM Charanjit Singh Channi said that the farmers and people of the nation as well will never forgive the Modi government and its leaders for testing their patience for the period of more than an year.

He said that it was not an easy victory for farmers as they had to pay heavy price of the Modi government’s arrogance as more than 700 farmers had sacrificed their lives during the agitation.

CM Channi said that their government has always stood by the farmers and laborers and extended every possible help to the farmers who were fighting for the historic and noble cause to save the agriculture community in the country.

He said that their government has also given jobs and financial assistance to the family members of around 350 farmers who lost their lives during the struggle.