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Russia Claims Capture of Lysychansk, Ukrainian authorities yet to react

Kiev: The Russian defense minister and the military have claimed control of Lisichansk, the major city in Ukraine’s Luhansk province. This brings Russia closer to succeeding in its mission to capture the Donbass region of Ukraine.

According to Russian news agencies, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin that the Russian military, along with local separatist groups, had captured the city of Lisichansk.

The Ukrainian army had worked hard to prevent Lisichansk from falling into Russian control. The President’s adviser had on Saturday raised the possibility that the city could get out of hand within a few days. Olexi Arstovitch said in an online interview that the Russian army had crossed the river and entered Lisichansk. However, Ukrainian authorities have not reacted immediately to the situation in the city.

Luhansk’s governor said on Sunday that the Russian military was strengthening its position to take over the province’s last stronghold. “The Russian army may have suffered heavy losses, but it continues to advance in Lisichansk. After the occupation of Lisichansk, the Russian army’s path to Donetsk province will be opened. The exiled mayor of Russian-held Melitopol claimed ukrainian rockets had destroyed one of the Russian army’s four bases.

The Russian Defence Ministry also said Ukraine carried out missile and drone strikes on Western Russian cities of Kursk and Belgorod but were downed. Kursk regional governor Roman Starovoit said Ukraine’s border area came under the Tetquino mortar attack.

Belarus also claimed that missiles were fired by Ukraine in their territory a few days ago. President Alexander Lukashenko calls the attack an act of provocation.