Punjab government Archives - TV Punjab | English News Channel https://en.tvpunjab.com/tag/punjab-government/ Canada News, English Tv,English News, Tv Punjab English, Canada Politics Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:54:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://en.tvpunjab.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/cropped-favicon-icon-32x32.jpg Punjab government Archives - TV Punjab | English News Channel https://en.tvpunjab.com/tag/punjab-government/ 32 32 Government closed ninth toll plaza in Punjab https://en.tvpunjab.com/government-closed-ninth-toll-plaza-in-punjab/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/government-closed-ninth-toll-plaza-in-punjab/#respond Wed, 12 Apr 2023 12:54:48 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=27343 Samana: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday said that this is the ninth but not the last toll plaza to be closed in larger public interest as more such will be freed in the coming days. Addressing the gathering after closing the Toll plaza on Samana- Patran road, the Chief Minister bemoaned that these […]

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Samana: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday said that this is the ninth but not the last toll plaza to be closed in larger public interest as more such will be freed in the coming days.

Addressing the gathering after closing the Toll plaza on Samana- Patran road, the Chief Minister bemoaned that these toll plazas were in reality the shops for the open loot of the general public. He said that these tolls had plundered the public by flouting all the norms as per their agreement. However, Bhagwant Mann said that it is surprising that instead of taking action against them in larger public interests, the successive state governments had patronised this loot by keeping a blind eye towards their misdeeds.

Mann said that the agreement of this toll plaza was signed on 01/09/2005 during the Captain government and the toll was imposed for 16.50 years. He said that due to several shortcomings a fine of Rs 1.48 crore was imposed on the company adding that it could have been closed on 24/06/2013 due to these shortcomings. However, Bhagwant Mann said that this never happened adding he said that the toll could have also been shut down on 16/10/2018 when the second overlay was not done but no action was initiated.

He said that after assuming the charge of office, when his government issued notice to toll plaza for violations, the company managing it moved to the court. However, he said that the plea was rejected by the court and in larger public interest, the government has decided to close it. Bhagwant Mann said that by closing this toll plaza Rs 3.80 lakh of the common people will be saved daily.

Mann said that the company was seeking an extension on the pretext of farmers agitation and Covid pandemic but his government has denied it. He said that this work should have been done earlier but none of his predecessors bothered to secure the interests of people adding that rather they worked zealously for protecting the rights of this company. Bhagwant Mann unequivocally said that every single penny plundered from people will be recovered from these people by all means adding that FIR will also be lodged against the company.

He said that a year ago the people of state had voted them to power by pressing a button of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). Bhagwant Mann said that today within a year he is pressing four-five buttons daily for dedicating new projects to the people of the state. He said that the day is not far when due to strenuous efforts of the state government, Punjab will emerge as the frontrunner state in the country.

He said that the traditional political parties are envious of him because they are not able to digest that the son of a common man is governing the state effectively. He said that these governments had ruled the state with their own whims and fancies without bothering about the interest of people. Bhagwant Mann said that but now the son of a school teacher is safeguarding the interests of people and its state.

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Highlights of the Punjab Budget 2023-24 https://en.tvpunjab.com/highlights-of-the-punjab-budget-2023-24/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/highlights-of-the-punjab-budget-2023-24/#respond Fri, 10 Mar 2023 09:51:45 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=26400 Chandigarh: Punjab Finance Minister Harpal Cheema presented the budget for the year 2023-24 today. The budget is being presented on the first anniversary of the formation of the AAP government in Punjab. In his budget speech, Cheema said that 10.50 lakh people got free treatment in AAM AADMI CLINICS since their opening. 26,797 jobs in […]

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Chandigarh: Punjab Finance Minister Harpal Cheema presented the budget for the year 2023-24 today. The budget is being presented on the first anniversary of the formation of the AAP government in Punjab.

In his budget speech, Cheema said that 10.50 lakh people got free treatment in AAM AADMI CLINICS since their opening.

26,797 jobs in Government and its agencies have already been provided by AAP Government.

Almost 90% of Punjab’s households are now getting “Zero Electricity Bills”.

Opening of public sand mines for “Aam Punjabis” for nabling common people to build their dream homes at affordable prices, unlike before.

Rs.2,000 crore – Our Government bailed out Punjab Agriculture Development Bank, PUNSUP and Punjab Agro; infused capital in District Cooperative Banks; provided grant to MILKFED and financed mills and SUGARFED to pay our hard working cane growers on time.

Our Government showed its commitment to our officers, employees and pensioners by releasing 6% DA from October 2022, implementing UGC pay-scales and the 2nd National Judicial Pay Commission. The financial impact on State exchequer on account of these is to the tune of Rs.1,150 crore.

Released previous years’ un-disbursed central share of Rs.1,750 crore approx. belonging to various centrally sponsored schemes, which was withheld by previous Governments.

3 focus areas, i.e. Good Governance, Education – Health revamp and Revenue mop up. Government has delivered on all three parameters.

The central themes for this year FY 2023-24 would be to:

Boosting farmer income through promotion of agriculture & allied activities;

Create a conducive environment for industrial promotion;

Infrastructural development through judicious capital spending

Strengthen the State Finances- augment additional resources through asset monetization and expenditure rationalization

Central Government has been turning a deaf ear to the long pending legitimate demands amounting to Rs.9,035 crore of the State.

(a) Claims of Rs.6,155 crore related to Cash Credit Limit (CCL), which has not been paid to the State.

b) Further Rs.2,880 crore relating to Rural Development Fee also not been released by the Union Government.


The GSDP for the State is estimated to grow to be Rs.6,98,635 crore for FY 2023-24.

The Per Capita Income of Punjab stood at Rs.1,73,873 crore at current prices in FY 2022-23 registering a growth of 7.40%.


Tax Intelligence Unit has been duly notified and experts being hired to study the entire gamut of revenues of the State.

Rs.3,000 crore contributed to the Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) as against only Rs.2,988 crore in last 5 years by the previous Government.

To eliminate the bottlenecks, redundancies and streamlining the working of the Administrative Departments (ADs), the expenditure authorization earlier required to be taken from Finance Department, have been duly delegated to the line departments.

BUDGET 2023-24

Total Budget Expenditure of Rs.1,96,462 crore excluding SDF amounting to Rs.45,000 crore for FY 2023-24; 26% growth compared to the FY 2022-23 (BE). The effective Revenue Deficit and Fiscal Deficit have been pegged at 3.32% and 4.98% respectively.

The Estimates of Revenue Expenditure of State at Rs.1,23,441 crore i.e. growth of 14% over FY 2022-23 (BE). Out of this, Rs.74,620 crore is proposed towards the committed expenditure, a jump of 12% in comparison to FY 2022-23 (BE).


Capital Expenditure is pegged at Rs.11,782 crore i.e. an increase of 22% over FY 2022-23 (RE).


Our Government proposes to introduce a “New Agricultural Policy” with the objective to conserve natural resources and increase farmers’ income, a Committee of Experts already constituted in this regard.

Sarkar- Kisan Milni, initiative of our Hon’ble Chief Minister Ji, which got a resounding response from the farmers of Punjab, more such Milnis would be organized in coming months.

1 lac quintals of quality seeds amounting to Rs.38 crore were procured by State nodal agency PUNSEED through track and trace system and around 50,000 farmers were provided subsidized seeds worth Rs.10 crore.


Aam Aadmi Party Government would provide market intervention for Basmati procurement, for which a revolving fund would be created; 33% subsidy on cotton seeds and track and trace mechanism for ensuring only quality seeds for our farmers. Rs.1,000 crore for a special scheme on diversification in FY 2023-24.

2574 Kisan Mitras to be engaged to provide extension services in each village and spread information and knowledge at farmers’ doorstep.

30,312 famers have been provided with an incentive Rs.1,500 per acre for adopting the practice of Direct Seeding of Rice, for which Rs.25 crore has been paid Our Government for the first time procured Moong crop at MSP and transferred a total amount of Rs.79 crore benefitting 20,898 farmers. An allocation of Rs.125 crore for these two initiatives.


As a result of positive targeted actions undertaken by AAP Government, the paddy straw burning incidents were reduced by approx. 30%.

To engage farmers by providing various possibilities and solutions to eliminate this practice of burning paddy straw. Rs.350 crore allocated under the Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanism, to provide various machines/equipment.


Government has provided free power to the tune of Rs.9,064 crore in FY 2022-23(RE) and Rs.9,331 crore has been earmarked in FY 2023-24 to continue its support to the farmers.


Provide Crop Insurance to farmers to save them from vagaries of the weather and other uncertainties.


An allocation of Rs.253 crore for next financial year, i.e. more than double the budget allocated in FY 2022-23 (RE).

5 new Horticulture Estates to be set up in district of Ludhiana, Gurdaspur, Patiala, Bathinda and Faridkot – Rs.40 crore in FY 2023-24.

A new risk mitigation scheme i.e. Bhaav Antar Bhugtan Yojna to ensure right remuneration to horticulture producers whenever market prices would fluctuate beyond a certain level- initial allocation Rs.15 crore.

A new scheme for diversification through flower Seed production would also be operationalized in the upcoming financial year.


Rs.885 crore was provided to PSCADB to pay back its loan; Rs.135 crore capital infusion has been done to facilitate DCCBs and Rs.36 crore assistance given to MILKFED.

Rs.400 crore provided to support SUGARFED to pay cane growers; Rs.250 crore allocated in FY 2023-24. Sugar mills were allotted an additional quota of 50% and also the export quota

For setting up of sugar complexes at Batala and Gurdaspur: Rs.100 crore

Rs.100 crore for MILKFED to reach new heights and double its turnover from Rs.4,886 crore in FY 2021-22 to Rs.10,000 crore by FY 2026-27.

Setting up new godowns at 13 locations, 6 godowns is expected to be completed by March 2023 and for completion of remaining 7 projects Rs.100 crore is allocated

110 TPD physical refinery for processing of crude palm oil and 100 TPD Vanaspati plant at Khanna are being installed by MARKFED.

Two new Oil Mills at Budhlada and Gidderbaha for processing of Mustard crop would be installed by MARKFED in FY 2023-24.


25 lac doses of Goat Pox Vaccine were procured to vaccinate our bovine population and till date approx. 7.45 lac cattle have been vaccinated. Lethal African Swine Fever was swiftly controlled by our Government and adequate compensation was provided to piggery farmers, whose pigs were culled- Rs.25 crore in FY 2023-24 for this purpose.

Mobile Veterinary Units to be established in FY 2023-24 to provide diagnosis, treatment minor surgeries, sample collection and audio visual support related to animals, to the farmers / animal owners at their doorsteps- Rs.13 crore budgeted.


To augment the area under fisheries the plan is to expand the current area 1,212 acres under shrimp cultivation to 5,000 acres in next 5 year.

A mini Fish Feed Mill of two ton capacity has been established at district Jalandhar, with Government’s subsidy.

An Ice-Plant of 30 Ton capacity for the preservation of fish, shrimp and its products is proposed to be established with Government subsidy.


Under the Shaheed-E-Azam Sardar Bhagat Singh Hariawal Lehar, against a target of 50 lac saplings, 54 lac saplings have already been planted. Target of planting 1 crore saplings in the upcoming FY 2023-24 across different schemes.

Allocation of Rs.258 crore is proposed in FY 2023-24:

(a) PUNCAMPA- Rs.196 crore;

(b) Wildlife and Zoo Development – Rs.13 crore and

(c) Green Punjab Mission – Rs.31 crore.


An outlay of Rs.17,072 crore for school and higher education, which is 12% higher than the previous year.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR UPKEEP OF GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS: Rs.99 crore for ensuring basic cleanliness and upkeep of schools while teachers shall concentrate only on academics

SKILL UP-GRADATION PROGRAMME FOR TEACHERS/ SCHOOL HEADS: Rs.20 crore in FY 2023-24 for this purpose. 36 principals/education officers was trained at the Principals Academy, Singapore and another batch of 30 principals has also been sent this month.

SCHOOLS OF EMINENCE 117 schools have been identified for upgrading them as “Schools of Eminence”. On pilot basis, work for upgradation has already started at 04 schools of district Amritsar, Rs.200 crore in FY 2023-24 for up-gradation of the schools into Schools of Eminence.

PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME: For OBC and SC students, provisioned Rs.18 crore and Rs.60 crore, respectively in FY 2023- 24 for providing these scholarships.

Punjab Young Entrepreneur Programme: Rs.30 crore @ Rs.2000 per student to be provided for proposing original business ideas.

Installation of Roof-Top Solar Panel System in Government Schools- Rs.100 crore.

Up-gradation of Infrastructure including Boundary – Wall in Government Schools- Rs.324 crore.

For providing Mid-Day Meal to 16.35 lakh students – Rs.456 crore.

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyaan: Rs.1,425 crore

Forfree books, infrastructure, repair and maintenance of schools: Rs.90 crore.

For providing uniforms to pre-primary class students- Rs.25 crore.



2 new schemes i.e. Professional Coaching for Employment and Soft Skill & Communication Training is proposed for providing coaching on professional lines.

PROVISION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE: Rs.68 crore is proposed for undertaking infrastructure development in 11 new Government colleges.

RASHTRIYA UCHCHTAR SHIKSHA ABHIYAN: Rs.116 crore is proposed for this purpose in FY 2023-24.

For strengthening and upgradation of Urdu Academy, Malerkotla: Rs.2 crore has been provided.


Rs.615 crore in FY 2023-24 for improving the technical capacities of our technical education institutes; 6% higher allocation than FY 2022-23.

After the gap of 13 years, Government Polytechnic College for Girls, Ropar which was closed since 2009 has been re-opened in the year 2022.

For the upgradation of infrastructure, machinery equipment & construction of new buildings: Rs.63 crore is proposed in FY 2023-24.

Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement: Rs.40 crore provisioned.


“Khedan Vatan Punjab Diyan-2022” was conducted from Block to the State level. Around 3 lakh players participated in these games and award money worth Rs.7 crore has been distributed to 9,961 winner players.

Our Government has revived the prestigious Shaheed-E-Aazam S. Bhagat Singh Raj Yuva Award and two youths from each district would be selected and honored with a medal, an amount of Rs.51,000 and a Certificate.

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H&UD Dept issues show-cause notice to 12 latecomers https://en.tvpunjab.com/hud-dept-issues-show-cause-notice-to-12-latecomers/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/hud-dept-issues-show-cause-notice-to-12-latecomers/#respond Thu, 02 Mar 2023 12:37:24 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=26204 Chandigarh: Cracking the whip against latecomers, Punjab Housing & Urban Development (H&UD) department has issued show cause notice to its 12 erring officials for arriving late at a departmental meeting. They were asked to submit their replies within three days. Those who were issued show cause notices include District Town Planners (DTPs) Suman Gupta, Ritika […]

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Chandigarh: Cracking the whip against latecomers, Punjab Housing & Urban Development (H&UD) department has issued show cause notice to its 12 erring officials for arriving late at a departmental meeting. They were asked to submit their replies within three days.

Those who were issued show cause notices include District Town Planners (DTPs) Suman Gupta, Ritika Arora and Harpreet Singh, Assistant Town Planners (ATPs) Gagan Chopra, Amarinderjit Singh, Planning Officers Paramjit Singh, Bhupinder Kaur, ADO Kuldeep Singh, Private Secretary Satish Kumar, Senior Assistant Vandna Sharma, Clerk Kavi Prakash Amoli, Steno Gurpreet Kaur.

Notably, Aman Arora, Minister of Housing & Urban Development had called a meeting to discuss and resolve the issues pertaining to NOCs at his office at Punjab Civil Secretariat on Tuesday. However, showing a lackadaisical attitude, these employees couldn’t reach to attend the meeting on time.

Taking strict note of the dereliction in duty by these officials, the Cabinet Minister has directed Chief Administrative PUDA to issue them show cause notice while asking them to submit their reply within three days, failing which a strict action would be initiated against them, as per the law.

He said that Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led Punjab Government has adopted zero tolerance towards negligence in the working, and urged all government employees to join their duties on time for the smooth functioning of offices to ensure seamless services to people in transparent manner.

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Punjab Governor refuses to give assent for budget session https://en.tvpunjab.com/punjab-governor-refuses-to-give-assent-for-budget-session/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/punjab-governor-refuses-to-give-assent-for-budget-session/#respond Thu, 23 Feb 2023 13:53:41 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=26022 Chandigarh: The tussle between Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit and Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is seem not ending. Today, the Punjab Governor wrote a letter to the Chief Minister refusing to approve the decision to convene the assembly session from March 3. The Governor has expressed his willingness of taking legal advice when CM replied to […]

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Chandigarh: The tussle between Punjab Governor Banwarilal Purohit and Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is seem not ending.

Today, the Punjab Governor wrote a letter to the Chief Minister refusing to approve the decision to convene the assembly session from March 3.

The Governor has expressed his willingness of taking legal advice when CM replied to his letter sent on February 13 through a tweet.

He said he would take a decision on approving the decision to convene the budget session only after taking legal advice.

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Two days Fifth edition of Progressive Punjab Summit begins in Mohali https://en.tvpunjab.com/two-days-fifth-edition-of-progressive-punjab-summit-begins-in-mohali/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/two-days-fifth-edition-of-progressive-punjab-summit-begins-in-mohali/#respond Thu, 23 Feb 2023 13:44:02 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=26019 SAS Nagar (Mohali): Rolling a red carpet for the Bussiness tycoons to join family of three crore Punjabis, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann gave a clarion call to them for becoming partners of the socio economic growth in the state. The Chief Minister, while addressing the Bussiness tycoons here during the inaugural session of […]

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SAS Nagar (Mohali): Rolling a red carpet for the Bussiness tycoons to join family of three crore Punjabis, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann gave a clarion call to them for becoming partners of the socio economic growth in the state.

The Chief Minister, while addressing the Bussiness tycoons here during the inaugural session of the fifth Progressive Punjab Investors Summit, welcomed them to land of saints, seers and martyrs adding that he was elated to have eminent personalities amongst us today. He said that Punjab is most favourable investment destination across the country and no stone will be left unturned to facilitate them. Bhagwant Mann envisioned a strong association between the state government and industrialists to make Punjab an industrial hub in the country.

The Chief Minister said that in order to facilitate the investors for making investments in the state, his government will soon abolish the Change of Land Use (CLU) and NOC that had haunted the industries in earlier times. Welcoming key industrialists m, he said that merely within one year of assuming responsibility as a CM, his first and foremost task has been to get a first-hand knowledge of the problems, of the complexities faced by the people. Bhagwant Mann said that his government’s vision and ambition is to continue to evolve to keep pace with changing expectations and new challenges.

The Chief Minister while striking emotional chord with entrepreneurs said that they are source of opportunities that the youth of Punjab and India wants to avail. He said that no matter if we are working in the public, private or non-profit sectors, each of us has a role to fulfill if we are to achieve our hopes and fulfill our aspirations and responsibilities to our country, our society, our families and to ourselves. Bhagwant Mann Summit is not about MOUs but about knowledge sharing, about brainstorming, about learning from each other.

The Chief Minister asserted that they have chosen a path to make the future of the country bright by accelerating economic growth in stage. Bhagwant Mann said that he has seen that aspiring young generation of Punjab wants to do something big in life. He said that his government is fully convinced that God has bestowed him this opportunity to lead Punjab for bringing qualitative changes in the lives of people.

The Chief Minister said that he can’t discharge this responsibility without active support and collaboration of the people. Bhagwant Mann said that he has a committed team which wants to stimulate healthy economic growth with support of people. He said that his government has introduced several policies and initiatives to support businesses and investors.

The Chief Minister expressed hope that new Industrial and Business Development Policy 2022 unveiled today will accelerate the desired economic growth. Bhagwant Mann said that policy aims to attract huge investment and generate maximum employment in the coming five years. He said that policy provides competitive incentives to all segments of investments including expansions and new MSMEs, Large Units, Export Promotion, Start-Ups of service and manufacturing both.

The Chief Minister envisioned that this policy will provide a roadmap for infrastructure development, such as industrial parks, airports, and ports, which will further facilitate the movement of goods and people and enhance the state’s connectivity to global markets. Bhagwant Mann said that the state Government is developing Integrated Industrial Township adding that it taken a major decision to build 20 Rural Industrial Clusters and 15 industrial parks. Bhagwant Mann further said that in a major step towards sustainability, Punjab’s EV Policy was also unveiled today.

The Chief Minister said that the state is now on a threshold of transition to a new culture of innovation and technology driven enterprise. Bhagwant Mann said that the youth of state are making new innovations and we need to support them. Bhagwant Mann said that Best Class infrastructure, excellent connectivity, premium educational institutes coupled with conducive government policies add to the strength of the State.

The Chief Minister said that rather than waiting for investments in the state, he has adopted a door to door policy to approach the entrepreneurs for investing in state. Bhagwant Mann said that he is elated to share that Punjab has received more than Rs 40,000 Crores worth of investments since March 2022 thereby generating around 2.50 lakh employment opportunities. He said that these investments include those by major companies like Tata Steel, Nestle, Freudenberg, Cargill, Hindustan Unilever, Sanathan Textiles and others have came to state.

Thanking the Bussiness tycoons for being a part of growth story of state, the Chief Minister said that his government is committed to realize the vision in transforming Punjab into a major industrial and export hub in the world. Listing landmark achievements of state, he said that Punjab is amongst the Top achiever states in Ease of Doing Business, Ranking done by the Government of India. Bhagwant Mann said that Invest Punjab, the Unified Regulator for the Government of Punjab is deemed as the Top Performing Investment Promotion Agency by the Government of India.

The Chief Minister said that Punjab received the Digital India Award by the Hon’ble President of India. He further said that in logistics, Punjab is in the top 5 states in the recent LEADS Index, becoming an “Achiever” state. Bhagwant Mann said that Punjab is amongst the top 10 performing states on India Innovation Index 2022.

Giving a snapshot of Punjab’s immense capabilities, the Chief Minister said that Punjab is the country’s largest tractor manufacturer and contributes to 29% of India’s total production. Similarly, he said that state ranks 2nd in tractor exports with a 22% share adding that state contributes 80% in bicycle manufacturing and 92% of total bicycle components manufacturing in India. Bhagwant Mann further said that state has India’s 75% share in sports goods manufacturing and was first in production of machine tools and hand tools in India accounting for ~20% of India’s exports in the sector.

The Chief Minister said that his government wants holistic economic and financial success of Punjab adding that he earnestly believes that the key pillars of our growth are good governance, digitization, decisiveness, transparency, and sensitivity. Bhagwant Mann said that this combined with our rich heritage, tradition, and culture creates a conducive environment for people from across the globe to grow here exponentially. Bhagwant Mann further said that Punjab takes pride in playing a crucial role in India’s contribution towards strengthening global value and supply chain through its manufacturing and infrastructure.

The Chief Minister said that Punjab has global presence and investments are pouring in from Japan, UK, UAE, USA, Germany, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, France, Italy and other countries. He said that the state government is working in every direction to take the state forward by making concerted efforts. Bhagwant Mann expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed speakers and all the dignitaries present for joining the state government today to promote Punjab as the most preferred destination of investment in India.

Welcoming all the captains of industry to Invest in Punjab, Invest in the Best, the Chief Minister said that the world is going through very testing times. However, he said that we must all feel empowered by the recognition that there is much each of us can do to help, which is is the objective of this summit. Bhagwant Mann said that future is a common responsibility of everyone of us in this journey forward.

The Chief Minister said that Punjab is the only state across the globe which has its franchise all over the world as Punjabis dominate the affairs in every other country. He said that Punjabis are blessed with an indomitable spirit to work hard and excel due to which they had carved a niche for themselves in the world. Bhagwant Mann also announced to give a major boost to sports industry in Jalandhar which produces 75% of sports goods in the country.

In her address, Investment Promotion Minister Anmol Gagan Mann listed the initiatives taken by state government for investment promotion. She said that the state government is making all out efforts to further promote the industry in state. Anmol Gaggan Mann reiterated firm commitment of the state government to emerge Punjab as top investment destination.

Earlier the Chief Secretary of Punjab Vijay Kumar Janjua welcomed all the dignitaries to the occasion. CEO Investment Promotion Punjab KK Yadav proposed vote of thanks on the occasion.

On the occasion various Cabinet Ministers, MLAs and senior officers of Punjab government were also present.

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Mann government to present annual budget on March 10 https://en.tvpunjab.com/mann-government-to-present-annual-budget-on-march-10/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/mann-government-to-present-annual-budget-on-march-10/#respond Tue, 21 Feb 2023 13:22:52 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=25943 Chandigarh: Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led Punjab Government will present its budget for the financial year 2023-24- on March 10 as the budget session of 16th Punjab Vidhan Sabha will be held from March 3rd to March 24th. This was decided at a Cabinet meeting chaired by the Chief Minister here at his office in […]

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Chandigarh: Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann led Punjab Government will present its budget for the financial year 2023-24- on March 10 as the budget session of 16th Punjab Vidhan Sabha will be held from March 3rd to March 24th.

This was decided at a Cabinet meeting chaired by the Chief Minister here at his office in Punjab Civil Secretariat I.

Disclosing the details a spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office said that the Cabinet authorized the Governor to convene the session, as per Article 174 of the Constitution of India.

As per the schedule, the budget session will commence on March 3 at 10 am with Governor’s address followed by obituary references at 2 pm. On March 6 the motion of thanks and discussion on Governor’s Address will take place at 10 am till the conclusion of the same. The Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 2021-22, presentation of supplementary grants for year 2022-23 and Appropriation bill on supplementary demands for grants for year 2022-23 will be held on March 7th, followed by legislative business.

Non official business will be held on March 9th and Budget estimates for the year 2023-24 will be presented before the House on March 10th followed by general discussion on the budget. General discussion on the Budget estimates for the year 2023-24 will resume at 10 AM on March 11 till its conclusion and voting. Non-official business will be conducted at 10 am on March 22, followed by legislative business on March 24th after which the house will be adjourned sine-die.


The Cabinet also gave ex-post-facto approval to the officers committee constituted by the Finance Department to formulate the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the implementation of the old pension scheme in Punjab. The Government of Punjab, Department of Finance, vide its Notification No. 02/01/2022-2FPPC/153-159, dated 18.11.2022, has implemented the Old Pension Scheme for all employees of Government of Punjab who are covered under Defined Contributory Pension Scheme (NPS). In continuation of this notification, the ex-post-facto approval has been given to the officers committee constituted by the Finance Department’s Notification Number 02/01/2020-22FPPC/09 dated 27.01.2023 to formulate the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the implementation of the old pension scheme in Punjab and to consider the recommendations of officers Committee, the Cabinet Sub-Committee constituted vide Notification No. 1/196/2022-1cab/530 dated 31.01.2023 issued by the General Administration Department (Cabinet Affairs Branch) and the Hon’ble Chief Minister’s order dated 13.02.2023.


With a view to provide houses at affordable prices to the Lower Income Group in the State, the Cabinet also gave green signal to notify Affordable Colony Policy, 2023. The policy proposes to increase the saleable area from 62% to 65% and further to reduce CLU/EDC/LF/SIF/UDF charges to 50% of the applicable charges in respective zones in the State of Punjab (except in GMADA Regional Plan and Master Plans/ Proposed Land Use Plan Lalru in GMADA Region where there shall not be any reduction in charges). Further, for quick approval of the project, power for the grant of approval of CLU, License and Building Plan shall also be delegated to Chief Administrator of the concerned Development Authority (at local level) as a single agency.


With the aim of holistic development of the Logistics Sector of State, the Cabinet also accorded approval to “Integrated Logistics & Logistics Park Policy”. Punjab has built a robust logistics infrastructure and has carried out various regulatory and structural reforms and has also designated Logistics as thrust sector. The policy offers several incentives for the development of infrastructure like MMLPs, Logistics Parks and Trucker Parks/Wayside Amenities Further, to ensure de-carbonization of the sector.

The policy incentivizes use of Commercial EVs for logistics and non-EV Refrigerated vehicles (Reefer vehicles). In order to ensure balanced regional development specialized services and warehouses in border districts have also been incentivized. The Policy further envisages a single integrated approval system for setting up units in the logistics sector, which will usher in a new era of development of logistics sector resulting in transformation of Punjab’s economy from agri-focused to manufacturing based, MSMEs becoming more competitive and enhanced employment opportunities.


The Cabinet also gave nod to implement ‘Punjab Young Entrepreneur Program’, which envisions development of entrepreneurial skills and mindsets in students of government schools, to prepare them for the real world – as job creators and problem solvers for the country in general and Punjab in particular. Under this program a Business Blasters Program has been launched as per which the Department will provide seed money to a group of students to develop and implement a business idea, @2,000/- per student. As the experience of using seed money for implementing the business idea is at the core of the program, benefits or losses, if any, will not be recovered by the Department from the students. The teacher/ schools heads will exercise oversight on utilization of seed money and the profit and loss statements maintained by the students.


The Cabinet also approved a proposal to change the nomenclature of the offices of the Heads of Secondary and Elementary wings of the Department of School Education from Director Public Instructions (Secondary Education) and Director Public Instructions (Elementary Education) to Directorate of School Education (Secondary) and Directorate of School Education (Elementary).


The Cabinet also gave nod to convert 101 temporary posts of District and Sessions Judge/Additional District and Sessions Judge, whose pay scale (Entry level) is Rs.51,550-1230-58,930-1380-63,070/- and 270 temporary posts of Civil Judge (Junior Division)-cum-Judicial Magistrate, whose pay scale (Entry level) is Rs 27,700-770-33.090 920 40,450-1080-44,770/- of State Subordinate Courts into permanent posts to further strengthen the judicial system in the State.

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AAP MLA’s PA arrested for taking bribe in Bathinda, MLA questioned https://en.tvpunjab.com/aap-mlas-pa-arrested-for-taking-bribe-in-bathinda-mla-questioned/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/aap-mlas-pa-arrested-for-taking-bribe-in-bathinda-mla-questioned/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 03:02:52 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=25832 Chandigarh: Bathinda Rural MLA Amit Rattan’s PA Risham Garg has been arrested by the Vigilance for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 4 lakh. Risham Garg is a resident of Samana. Meanwhile, the MLA has refused to accept Risham Garg as his PA. He was arrested on the basis of a complaint filed by Pritpal […]

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Chandigarh: Bathinda Rural MLA Amit Rattan’s PA Risham Garg has been arrested by the Vigilance for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 4 lakh. Risham Garg is a resident of Samana. Meanwhile, the MLA has refused to accept Risham Garg as his PA. He was arrested on the basis of a complaint filed by Pritpal Kumar, husband of Sarpanch Seema Rani of village Ghudda.

Police said that the sarpanch and her husband approached the VB and informed that the PA was demanding a bribe of Rs 5 lakh for the release of government grant of Rs 25 lakh received by gram panchayat Ghudda through block samiti under 15th Finance Commission from BDPO.

He is forced to take Rs. 50,000 from her as the first instalment. In this regard, Seema Rani approached the DGP of the Vigilance Bureau.

They were then asked to contact Bathinda.

In this case, Rs 50,000 was given on February 10. After the deal was finalised, the remaining Rs 4 lakh was announced. Today, when MLA Amit Ratan got out of the vehicle in the circuit house and started meeting the people, his PA Risham Garg grabbed the bribe amount of Rs 4 lakh and kept it in the vehicle.

Meanwhile, the Vigilance arrested Risham Garg red-handed in the presence of official witnesses while he also tried to escape.

On this occasion, MLA Amit Ratan Kotfatta was detained by vigilance officials at circuit house. MLA Amit Rattan, PA Risham Garg, along with the prosecution witness, were surrounded by the circuit house. Amit Ratan was questioned by the authorities for several hours and the atmosphere turned tense.

BJP district president Saroop Chand Singla, Ashok Bharti and Mohan Lal Garg, who reached the spot, along with their supporters raised slogans against the Punjab government. They kept demanding the arrest of the MLA.

A case has been registered against Risham Garg at VB police station Bathinda and further action has been initiated. Meanwhile, former Union minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal has launched a scathing attack on the AAP government and said, “Amit Rattan was given the ticket after he was expelled from the SAD on charges of corruption.”

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CM launches 16 public mines for cheaper sand https://en.tvpunjab.com/cm-launches-16-public-mines-for-cheaper-sand/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/cm-launches-16-public-mines-for-cheaper-sand/#respond Sun, 05 Feb 2023 09:51:25 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=25549 Ludhiana: In a historic initiative aimed at ensuring supply of cheap sand and gravel to the public, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann today dedicated 16 public mines here to the masses thereby ensuring pit head price of sand to Rs 5.50 per cubic feet. Interacting with the media persons after dedicating 16 public mining […]

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Ludhiana: In a historic initiative aimed at ensuring supply of cheap sand and gravel to the public, the Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann today dedicated 16 public mines here to the masses thereby ensuring pit head price of sand to Rs 5.50 per cubic feet.

Interacting with the media persons after dedicating 16 public mining sites spread over seven districts here today, the Chief Minister said that the state government has fulfilled another poll guarantee made with the people. He said that the state government has eradicated the sand mafia which had flexed its muscles in the past to ensure that people get cheap sand. Bhagwant Mann said that now the sand will be sold at just Rs.5.50 in each of these public mining sites thereby giving a major reprieve to the people.

The Chief Minister said that only manual excavation of sand will be permitted in these public mining sites and no mechanical excavation of sand will be allowed. He categorically said that no mining contractor will be allowed to operate in these public mining sites. Bhagwant Mann said that sand from public mining sites will only be sold for use in construction of non-commercial projects.

The Chief Minister said that sale of sand will happen only till sunset and a government official will always be present to regulate the extraction of sand at each public mining site. He said that the state government has built an app which will give complete information to people about public mining sites and will even facilitate online payments. Bhagwant Mann said that 16 mines have been dedicated to the people and by next month 50 more such mines will be operational across the state.

The Chief Minister said that an app has been launched that will be linked to Google maps and will guide the person to the nearest public mine. He said that it will ensure supply of cheap sand to the people and check their exploitation by contractors and transporters. Bhagwant Mann said that it will boost the rural economy as a large number of youth and labour will be engaged in this exercise, leading to higher incomes.

The Chief Minister said that it will eliminate middlemen in the sale and purchase of sand and gravel, leading to empowerment of the common man. He said that it is now one of the lowest rates at which sand is available to any person across the country. Bhagwant Mann said that the presence of public mining sites will automatically distort the prices and cause them to stabilise at a lower level, as these mines present a regular alternate avenue for the common man for purchasing cheap sand.

The Chief Minister said that operation of the mines will be completely a transparent process as CCTV cameras have been installed to keep 24 hours surveillance on it. He said that apart from this Police patrolling will be ensured on these public sites to keep a check over it. Bhagwant Mann said that these Mines will be operational from 6 am in the morning to 7 pm from April 1-September 30 and from 7 am to 5pm from October 1 to March 31.

The Chief Minister categorically said that the sand mafia that had flourished during the previous government regimes will no longer exploit the people. He unequivocally said that those who have minted illegal money through the sand mines will be held accountable for their misdeeds. Bhagwant Mann said that those people who have committed this heinous and unpardonable crime with the state will not be spared at any cost.

Listing the several guarantees fulfilled by the state government so far, the Chief Minister said that within ten months of assuming the charge the state government has eliminated the transport mafia. He said that free power has been provided to 87% households of the state since July, 2022. Bhagwant Mann said that more than 26,000 government jobs have been provided so far to the youth of the state and more are in pipeline.

The Chief Minister further said that the state government has started 500 Aam Aadmi Clinics across the state to impart quality health services in the state. He said that to deliver the best education to the students ‘Schools of Eminence’ have been set up across the state. Bhagwant Mann said that to upscale the expertise of the Principals, a batch of 36 Principals have been sent to Singapore for professional training.

The Chief Minister said that this is the dawn of new and vibrant Punjab adding that the day is not far when with the strenuous efforts of the state government, Punjab will lead the country in every sphere. He said that his government is duty bound to restore the pristine glory of the state and no stone will be left unturned for it. Bhagwant Mann solicited the support and cooperation of people of the state to ensure a progressive and prosperous Punjab.

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Punjab Cabinet approves new industrial & business development policy https://en.tvpunjab.com/punjab-cabinet-approves-new-industrial-business-development-policy/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/punjab-cabinet-approves-new-industrial-business-development-policy/#respond Fri, 03 Feb 2023 15:46:45 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=25504 CHANDIGARH: With a thrust on creating an enabling environment for the Industries & Business for balance economic growth, job creation and overall Development of the State, the Punjab Cabinet led by the Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday approved the New industrial and Business Development Policy, 2022 (IBDP-2022) which shall be effective from October 17, […]

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CHANDIGARH: With a thrust on creating an enabling environment for the Industries & Business for balance economic growth, job creation and overall Development of the State, the Punjab Cabinet led by the Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday approved the New industrial and Business Development Policy, 2022 (IBDP-2022) which shall be effective from October 17, 2022.

A decision to this effect was taken in a meeting of the Cabinet held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister here at his office in Punjab Civil Secretariat.

Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office said that the new policy will be applicable for 5 years from October 17, 2022 and will spur the Industrial Development in the State leading to more employment opportunities to the youth of the State. The new policy is structured ground key strategic focus areas namely infrastructure, Power, MSMEs, large enterprises, Innovation, Startup and Entrepreneurship, Skill Development, Ease of Doing Business, Fiscal and Non Fiscal Incentive, export promotion logistic, stakeholder engagement and grievance redressal. As per the policy, the state will develop 15 Industrial Parks covering general and sector specific requirements of various Industrial Sector and 20 rural clusters across the state.

As per the policy, the state will also allow setting up of dedicated country specific integrated Industrial Township to attract investment by allowing the infrastructure and other norms of the country. The policy also envisages that Punjab Small Industries and Export Corporation (PSIEC) will be strengthened and an online system for all the Estate Management services in a time bound manner shall be developed. The issuance of notification by the Department of Power for the incentive of electricity duty exemption shall be made online and time bound through Invest Punjab Business First Portal (IPBFP).

In order to give a boost to the MSME sector, the state under the new policy will set up a MSME Punjab, as a dedicated wing of the Department of Industries & Commerce with a focus on setting up a common facility and technology centre. For MSMEs, the state will also implement the World Bank assisted GoI scheme namely Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance (RAMP). Likewise, the state will also strengthen start-up Punjab to promote innovation and startups in the state through Punjab Innovation Mission with a special focus on Women/SC/Other Entrepreneurship.

Under the policy, gender/differently abled entrepreneurship/Rural Impact Startup/Women led startup and startups shall be given relaxation in public procurement with respect to experience and turn over. Punjab Skill Development Mission will work out specific skill development centres for various activities and will work with large employers in various industry sectors to create skill training facilities in partnership with such employers. As per the new policy, the Invest Punjab Business First Portal shall be integrated with National Single Window Portal and services of NHAI, PWD, RDA, Irrigation Department and Forest will also be included in it.

The policy also stipulates fiscal incentives for new units and also to existing units for expansion with or without modernization/diversification. Policy envisages that variable power tariff shall be freezed for five years @ Rs.5.50 Per KVAH and shall be applicable for manufacturing units/IT/ITeS Unit in the approved Industrial Park/Amusement park/ Adventure Parks developed on minimum area of 50 acres. The policy also provides attractive fiscal incentives for ultra-mega/mega projects, anchor unit, large units, MSMEs and incentives for rehabilitation of Sick Large units /MSMEs, Special Incentives for Units in border zone, Startup/incubators and first two units in border zone in each sector of manufacturing and service.

As per the policy, the manufacturing of Auto/Auto components including Electric Vehicle, Sports Goods including fitness equipment, Hand tools including Power Tools and Machine Tools, Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, Paper Based Packaging Units, circular Economy activity including shredding units, based management units and one district one product have been included in the category of thrust sector for the purpose of higher fiscal incentives. The fiscal incentives include 100% exemption from stamp duty, 100% exemption from CLU/EDC to the units in thrust sector and anchor units and 100% exemption from electricity duty from 7 years to 15 years.

Policy also envisages Investment subsidy by way of reimbursement of net SGST upto 200% of FCI over a period of 7 to 15 years. MSMEs are also being provided fiscal incentive in the area of technology, finance, marketing, environmental compliance, e-commerce and freight subsidy for exporting units and exemption from ground water charges. The new Micro and Small enterprises, exporting units and service enterprises engaged in providing research and development activities will also be provided 50% Capital Subsidy on the fixed capital investment up to Rs 50 lakh. As per the policy, the Anchor Unit have been provided incentive of employment generation subsidy upto Rs.36000/- per employees per year for a period of 5 years and @ of Rs.48000/- for woman SC/BC/OBC employees.

The policy provides sector specific special incentives like 100% exemption of market fees/RDF upto 100% of FCI over a period of 10 years to the food processing industry, Capital Subsidy to IT/ITeS @, 50% of the FCI upto Rs.2.5 Crore per unit, 5% interest subsidy @ 10 lacs per years for five years to the apparels and made up and technical textile as a additional support to such units covered under A-TUB Scheme of GOI. Similarly, 50% top up subsidy to the first 10 ESDM units supported under SPECS Scheme of MEITY limited to Rs. 10 crore per unit. The replacement of existing boilers with paddy straw based boilers have been provided incentive of SGST upto 75% cost of boiler and exemption of stamp duty for purchase of storage of paddy adding that this incentive shall be available to the first 50 units.

Under the Policy, Development of private industrial parks shall be encouraged and 100% exemption of CLU/EDC shall be provided on the Industrial and EWS residential component to an Industrial Park set up within a minimum area of 25 acres (10 acre for IT). The private industrial park set up by SPV shall be provided additional incentive of Capital Subsidy @ 25% maximum 25 Crore. The building bye-laws shall be relaxed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), logistic park shall be developed in sector 102. Mohali and 50% of the external development charges shall be spent on the improvement of Industrial infrastructure in the Industrial Zone.

The fiscal incentive shall be processed through invest Punjab Business First Portal and the cases involving fixed capital investment upto Rs 25 crore shall be sanctioned at the district level and cases above Rs 25 Crore shall be processed at state Level and the incentive shall be disbursed by maintaining an online State Level Seniority. There will be representation of industry in the District Level and State Level Committee constituted for approval of fiscal incentive cases.

As per the policy, the units which have been filed Common Application Form (CAF) under IBDP-2017 upto 10.9.2022 may avail the incentive under GDP-2017 provided they attain commercial production within five years from filing of CAF. The units who have filed CAF between 10.9.2022 to 16.10.2022 may opt IBDP-2017 provided they fulfill certain conditions. The others who have filed CAF under IBDP-2017 and are not in production till 16.10.2022 may opt (BDP-2022 by submitting an online option within 90 days from the notification of this policy.

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BSP to contest Lok Sabha polls in alliance with SAD: Mayawati https://en.tvpunjab.com/bsp-to-contest-lok-sabha-polls-in-alliance-with-sad-mayawati/ https://en.tvpunjab.com/bsp-to-contest-lok-sabha-polls-in-alliance-with-sad-mayawati/#respond Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:10:27 +0000 https://en.tvpunjab.com/?p=25484 Chandigarh: Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal and his wife, MP and former Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal met Bahujan Samaj Party National President Mayawati over lunch at her residence to further strengthen the old alliance ahead of Lok Sabha elections. The top leadership of the two parties had agreed for complete unity […]

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Chandigarh: Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal and his wife, MP and former Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal met Bahujan Samaj Party National President Mayawati over lunch at her residence to further strengthen the old alliance ahead of Lok Sabha elections.

The top leadership of the two parties had agreed for complete unity and coordination between the two parties and maintained that it should be continued in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, just like the general elections of the Punjab Assembly.

Speaking on the occasion, Mayawati said, “The BSP has full faith in SAD leadership. We will leave no stone unturned to get our votes transferred to our party so that the alliance is truly beneficial and maximum number of its candidates can give a good message of winning the election.”

Mayawati, during an interaction with the Akali leaders, pointed out that the reason for the ‘Lok Kalyan Diwas’ being observed by the party on January 15 on her birthday was that from now on, a conspiracy has started to create confusion in the public interest about the alliance in UP.

Attacking at ruling government in Punjab, she said that the people of Punjab are suffering again like the previous Congress government as the special election promises made to the people of the common people’s interest have not been fulfilled but it is not being implemented properly.

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