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Unseasonal rain, hailstorms dash hopes of farmers, government orders girdawari

Chandigarh: After intermittent unseasonal rains in Punjab over the past few days, heavy rains and hailstorms for the past several days at some places have scattered other rabi crops, including wheat.

Around 14 lakh hectares of crops have been affected across the state due to heavy rains, hailstorms and winds gusting up to 40-50 km per hour on Saturday.

According to meteorologists, in view of the western disturbance again on March 29, there may be rain in the northwest region.

Most of the damage was reported from Fazilka, where friday’s hailstorm has damaged a lot of crops. The damaged crops are being girdawari, after which the actual report will come out.

According to the Punjab Agriculture Department, there has been a lot of damage to wheat due to the storm in Fazilka and the border area. At many places in this region, 100 per cent of the crop of the farmers has been damaged, while 40 to 50 per cent of the rabi crop of most of the farmers has been affected.

Apart from this, ferozepur, Faridkot, Pathankot, Jalandhar, Nawanshahr, Hoshiarpur, Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib, Tarn Taran, Moga and border districts have suffered heavy losses due to continuous rains in the state for several consecutive days.

According to the information received, during the 24 hours, Amritsar received 23.4 mm rainfall, Ludhiana 28.8 mm, Pathankot 41.9, Faridkot 46.2, Gurdaspur 30.6, Ferozepur 49, Jalandhar 53.5, Moga 44.5 mm, Ropar 32.5 and Gurdaspur 40 mm.

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