World Kidney Day 2023: Be careful! damaged kidney can causes numerous diseases

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New Delhi: Kidney is an important part of the body. Works to remove toxins formed in the body. Apart from this, they are responsible for controlling blood pressure, bone health and the production of red blood cells and the production of essential hormones. When the kidneys are not working properly, the toxins start staying in the body.

Its effect is seen on liver, lungs and other organs. One of the major disadvantages of kidney failure is that it does not only cause kidney disease. Other diseases also start forming a house in the body. World Kidney Day is celebrated on March 9. It is important to be aware of kidney diseases.

Doctors say that kidney patients get upset about other diseases including heart disease, hypertension, while many times people do not take kidney disease seriously. Attention is paid to kidney disease only when there is pain in the back, difficulty in urination.

Chronic kidney disease is one such serious kidney disease. In this, the kidneys are not able to filter the toxic toxins of the body. Due to this, there may also be problems of high blood pressure, anemia, bone disease and heart disease.

Can lead to these diseases

Many factors are responsible for kidney failure. Blood pressure, diabetes can be dangerous for the kidneys. If there is foam in the urine, then it is also a sign of kidney failure.

The hemoglobin level of a kidney patient is greatly reduced. The reason behind this is that the kidneys also help in making blood. Kidneys must be examined if there is swelling in the hands and feet.

Reasons why kidney gets damaged

Many factors are responsible for kidney failure. Blood pressure, diabetes can be dangerous for the kidneys. Keep checking it on time, urine is going away again and again, if there is foam in the urine, then it is also a sign of kidney failure.

The hemoglobin level of a kidney patient is greatly reduced. The reason behind this is that the kidneys also help in making blood. Kidneys must be examined if there is swelling in the hands and feet.

What precautions to take

Lifestyle improvement is very important to keep the kidneys healthy. Our diet should be better. Eating too much salt and oily food should be avoided. Do regular exercise, as well as do not smoke and drink alcohol. Processed foods should not be consumed. If there is a kidney problem in the family, then must undergo regular kidney function tests.