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‘World Malaria Day’, Know its history and this year’s theme

New Delhi: Since the start of the Corona epidemic, there has been a lot of awareness about health among people around the world. Malaria is a disease that has been making people victims for years. Every year, on April 25, ‘World Malaria Day’ is celebrated to spread awareness among the people against malaria.

Every year millions of people are infected with malaria all over the world, including India. It is a deadly disease that infects thousands of people in India every year.

How is malaria spread in humans?

Malarial disease is spread by the bite of a mosquito. It is caused by a virus called Plasmodium consciences. When the female anaphilis bites an infected person of the mosquito, the part of this virus is transferred to the body of the mosquito. After this, when this mosquito bites a healthy person, the virus is transferred to the body of that person.

After this, person also becomes infected with malaria. The biggest cause of malaria is dirt. Due to the dirt around, mosquitoes grow there, after which they bite humans and infect them with malaria.


History of celebrating World Malaria Day-

Malaria in Africa killed a large number of people every year. In such a situation, Africa Malaria Day was celebrated every year to prevent malaria. In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) at the 60th session of the World Health Assembly proposed to celebrate it as World Malaria Day. Since 2008, it has been celebrated on April 25 every year.