Yoga asanas to robust your Lungs & Boost Immunity post-covid

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New Delhi: Yoga helps a lot in keeping the body healthy. When gyms were closed during the Corona period, people resorted to yoga to maintain fitness.

Yoga not only keeps the body healthy but yoga also makes you mentally strong. If you are recovering from Covid-19 infection, then do yoga for faster recovery and body strength in this situation. After recovering from corona, there is a lot of weakness in the body.

With yoga asanas, you can get your strength back and fill new energy in yourself. Let’s know which yoga asanas you should do for strength.


– Dandasana- You can do Dandasana at the time of recovery from Corona. By doing this asana, all the organs of the body come in balance and the efficiency of the digestive related organs increases. Muscles are strong and stamina also increases.

2- Adho Mukha Savasana – You can also do this easy. This helps in maintaining physical and mental energy. This asana increases blood flow in the brain and removes fatigue.

3- Diaphragmatic breathing – There is a lot of weakness during recovery from corona, it causes difficulty in breathing. In this disease, the lungs are most affected, in such a situation, breathlessness starts in doing a little work. Diaphragmatic breathing is a good exercise for this. This corrects the function of the lungs.

4- Upavistha Konasana- You can do this exercise. This increases the flexibility of the body. This yoga asana helps in stabilizing the mind and correcting blood circulation. It is also beneficial for calming the nervous system.

5- Dormant Veerasana – By doing this yoga asana, the body becomes flexible. This helps to relieve stress and get rid of tightness. You will get strength by doing these asanas at the time of recovery from Corona.